Hawkwell junior parkrun Defibrillator
This morning we were at Hawkwell junior parkrun. Last year we stepped up to fund the purchase of a defibrillator when the Event Director deemed the one at Clements Hall was too far from the course. 69 junior park runners completed the course on a lovely morning.
A huge thank you for your donation! We cannot run our event without direct access to an AED and due to our post COVID relocation to the pavilion, the one at Clements Hall was just a little too far away and posed too much of a risk.
Your kind donation not only means we can run our event each week as we have the right safety equipment in place, but it means we have our own AED on site should anything ever happen.
The safety of our volunteers, runners and their families is always our utmost priority so this was such an important step towards our safe return last year and we cannot thank the finish fund line enough.