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Welcome to the Finish Line Fund

Finish Line Fund was established in 2014, following the tragic passing of Nick Palmer of Flyers Southend Running Group, at the Southend Half Marathon.

We became a registered charity in 2018 ( charity number 1179170 ) with our objectives being:- The preservation and protection of good health for the public benefit in East Essex, United Kingdom in particular but not exclusively by:

1) The provision of grants to runners and/or their families who have been affected by serious injury, disability or death whilst participating in the sport of running.

2) Promoting running and other sports at an amateur level in Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom,  and surrounding areas by organising running events and providing equipment and sponsorship to clubs in Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom and the surrounding areas to promote health and well being.

If you would like any information about the charity’s work, please contact a member of our team through the contact page and they will be able to help you. We operate with complete transparency. Our meeting notes are available on request as are our annual accounts and constitution.

If you would like any more information or a full copy of our constitution please contact our team through the contact page and they will be able to help you.

Grant Applications

If you know of individuals, clubs or society groups who could benefit via a grant from Finish Line Fund please complete the relevant form and email to

The Charity Committee Members




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